As a follow-up to research
Research results can be a hard pill to swallow. Workshops help transform hard truths into possibilities. They foster hope, excitement, and strategic pivots.
Workshops break silos, align teams, create platforms for subject experts, and facilitate powerful decision-making. They are ideal for strategy updates and ongoing check-ins.
My three favorite workshops
The Design Sprint
Brand Accelerator
Do you want to run a workshop that achieves a completely different goal? Let’s talk about it!
Workshop FAQ…&C (complaints :))
“But we’ve tried workshops and they’re awful”
Workshops are often viewed as the “fluff” that starts off client engagements and makes everyone “feel good.” However, if conducted correctly, workshops can completely replace the endless meeting cycles we have accepted as fact, and create a comprehensive “genius gathering” rarely possible in other formats. They form structure for hard conversations and getting to decisive results.
“Can you help us even if you don’t work in our industry or have prior experience with our product?”
I have successfully facilitated workshops as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies in industries I had never even heard of before. I provided immense value because I follow a framework and a set of principles that bring out the value in YOU and YOUR TEAM. I am not here to have all of the answers. I am here to elicit the Collaborative Genius that can occur when we truly work together. It already exists in your community, team, and client base, who are dreaming of a more purposeful, impactful life.